My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I debated between three and four stars on this one, finally settling on four. Mostly because I can't, in good faith, give three stars to a book I stayed up until 1.30am on a work night finishing. If a book keeps me that wrapped up, it gets rounded up.
The story itself was good. Not perfect, but a story worth reading. Alex broke my heart on so many levels - in good ways and bad. I wanted to shake him for choices I knew he had no control over (something confirmed later in the story in further heartbreaking fashion.) I think I warmed more to Alex than I did to Brittany, but she tugged at my heart-strings as well, fighting for her sister and trying to craft the perfect image.
I did love the use of Spanglish. Even though I didn't always understand the perjoratives used, I got the gist of them in context and it really helped seat me in Alex's world.
One thing that seemed jarring was the decision to move Shelley to a facility in Colorado. As this takes place near Chicago, I have a hard time believing that the best place for her was five states away. While it suited the story well, and provided a way well away from the barrio for Alex.
For me, as ever, it comes down to the love story and this one warmed me, thrilled me, and sold me. Watching them gravitate, connect, and holy hell that first kiss. And, gotta say it, the motorcycle kiss. On top of that were the ways they helped each other, comforted each other, and found that safe haven in each other's touch, arms, even just a look.
The epilogue was cute, but kind of jarring, too, and since the series continues well before that epilogue (following Carlos' and Luis' lives), probably unnecessary and probably written when this was meant only as a stand alone. Also jarring were the time jumps at the end - two weeks later, two months later, five months later, but not jarring enough to detract from the story.
Overall a strong read - and one I may flat out buy now that I'm finished (this was a Kindle library book read) and truly enjoyed it.
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