My rating: 5 of 5 stars
That's about the only word I can come up with for this novella. Just seriously wow.
The story is told from alternating points of view, Sophie's and Carter's, and while that has never been a favorite of mine (Time Travelers Wife..ugh) it was truly the best way to tell this story. And what a story. Two very broken people, literally in Carter's case, enduring life more than living it because of the vermin they unfortunately called parents.
Despite that, they've found each other, found a way to cope together with the horrors of their home lives, finding ways to make it through together...even though they've never so much as held hands in the lifetime they've spent living next door to one another.
The author uses short sentences and very little description or long paragraphs of internal monologue. Sometimes that can be bad, you're left feeling that half the story is missing or something. Not true in this one. Sophie's and Carter's pasts are revealed not through detailed description but through random thoughts that leave the reader to fill in the blanks as the narrative goes on.
My heart broke over and over for S & C, watching them fumble through finding each other, seeing past mere survival to what's been under the surface all along. I cried with them, laughed with them, and my heart tripped over itself the first time Carter held her hand.
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